Lady Pioneers Finish The Weekend 2-2

Lady Pioneers Finish The Weekend 2-2

The Lady Pioneers hosted Surry Community College and Patrick & Henry Community College for their home opener weekend. SMC Split with both teams, walking away 2-2 on the weekend. 

The Pioneers had a total of 4 home runs, 28 hits, and 27 runs on the four-game weekend.  

SMC Softball is now 4-4 on their record and will travel to Caldwell Community this Saturday to play at 1 and 3 pm.


"For the most part, we played well this past weekend. We could have hit better against both teams but we didn't make the adjustments at the plate. Saturday we popped up all day and had a hard time getting those line-drive hits. Sunday, we came out swinging in the first game to finish the game in the bottom of the 6th but we lost the bats and the energy for game two. Both teams we faced hit the ball well and when you face teams like that, we have to make sure our bats show up too. This group is very talented and it is still early, we have time to put in some work before we see Caldwell this weekend!" -Coach Hill